
Section: Free Widget Foundation (1)
Updated: 28 Jan 1993
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FChooserT - Test Program For The FileChooser Widget  


FChooserT is a simple program that creates and tests a FileChooser widget in a Form with some other buttons to indicate typical usage. The source may be useful is seeing how the FileChooser widget can be used.

The test program allows you to traverse the directory hierarchy by selecting files or directories from the FileChooser by clicking on them with the mouse. A message is printed each time the selection changes. The current directory is shown in the FileChooser on the MenuButton above the list of files. Clicking on it pops up a menu from which an ancestor directory can be selected if you want to go up the tree. This functionality is all part of the FileChooser itself.

The test program provides some other things to allow you to experiemnt with the functionality and to provide usage examples. The Text item below the FileChooser labelled "File" is updated whenever you select a file, and it can be edited, for example to enter new filenames. The "Ok" button exits the program, printing the current directory (from the FileChooser) and current file (from the Text item, in case you edited it). Hitting Return in the Text item is like clicking on "Ok". The "Cancel" button exits without printing anything. The "Sort Mode" button allows you change the sorting of files in the FileChooser by selecting a different sort mode from the menu. You can change the FileChooser's filter pattern (a shell-like "globbing" pattern) by typing in the Text item labelled "Filter" and hitting Return.  


George Ferguson, ferguson@cs.rochester.edu.




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